Achilles Tendonitis

Aug 13, 2023

Welcome to Regency Square Care Center's comprehensive guide on Achilles tendonitis. In this article, we will explore the symptoms, causes, and treatment options for this common condition affecting the Achilles tendon.

What is Achilles Tendonitis?

Achilles tendonitis is the inflammation of the Achilles tendon, which is the large tendon located at the back of the ankle. This tendon connects the calf muscles to the heel bone and is responsible for facilitating movement, particularly during activities such as walking, running, and jumping.

Symptoms of Achilles Tendonitis

Recognizing the symptoms of Achilles tendonitis is crucial for timely diagnosis and treatment. Some common symptoms include:

  • Pain and stiffness in the back of the ankle
  • Tenderness and swelling near the heel
  • Difficulty walking or performing physical activities
  • Achilles tendon feels thickened or lumpy
  • Increased pain after exercise or prolonged periods of inactivity
  • Restricted range of motion in the ankle

Causes of Achilles Tendonitis

Achilles tendonitis can be caused by a range of factors, including:

  • Overuse or repetitive stress on the tendon
  • Intense physical activity without proper warm-up or stretching
  • Poor footwear, such as shoes with inadequate arch support
  • Being overweight or obese, putting excess pressure on the tendon
  • Having flat feet or high arches, altering the biomechanics of the foot
  • Engaging in activities that involve sudden movements or changes in direction

Treatment Options

Effective treatment of Achilles tendonitis often involves a combination of conservative measures and medical intervention. Some common treatment options include:

  1. Rest and Activity Modification: Taking a break from activities that exacerbate symptoms and engaging in low-impact exercises can help alleviate pain and promote healing.
  2. Physical Therapy: Working with a physical therapist can help strengthen the calf muscles, improve flexibility, and promote proper biomechanics to prevent future injury.
  3. Medications: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may be recommended to reduce pain and inflammation. Topical creams or gels may also provide relief.
  4. Orthotic Devices: Custom orthotic inserts or heel lifts can help support the foot's arch and relieve pressure on the Achilles tendon.
  5. Immobilization and Bracing: In severe cases, a walking boot, brace, or cast may be necessary to immobilize the ankle and promote healing.
  6. Steroid Injections: In some cases, corticosteroid injections may be used to reduce inflammation and provide short-term relief.
  7. Surgery: If conservative measures fail to alleviate symptoms, surgical intervention may be considered. This option is typically reserved for cases with severe tendon damage or persistent pain.

Prevention and Self-Care

Preventing Achilles tendonitis is essential for maintaining optimal foot and ankle health. Here are some preventive measures and self-care practices:

  • Gradually increase the intensity and duration of physical activities to avoid sudden strain on the tendon.
  • Use appropriate footwear with proper arch support and cushioning.
  • Stretch and warm up before engaging in exercise or sports activities.
  • Strengthen the calf muscles through targeted exercises.
  • Maintain a healthy weight to reduce stress on the tendon.
  • Listen to your body and rest when necessary.

By taking these preventive measures and promptly addressing any symptoms, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing Achilles tendonitis.

Regency Square Care Center: Geriatric and Aging Care

Regency Square Care Center is a trusted provider of comprehensive geriatric and aging care services. Our team of dedicated healthcare professionals is committed to delivering personalized care to older adults, ensuring their well-being and quality of life.

We understand the impact that conditions like Achilles tendonitis can have on seniors, and our multidisciplinary approach aims to address their unique needs. From preventive care to specialized treatments, we strive to optimize their physical mobility and overall health.

Contact Regency Square Care Center today to learn more about our geriatric and aging care services and how we can support your loved ones in achieving their optimal health and wellness.